4 Tips for Planning a Phenomenal Proposal

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Bakerture Photo & Video

If you’re planning to propose to your partner, first of all, congratulations! Whether you’ve known each other since you were kids, met online, or were set up by mutual friends, you know you’ve found your person.

There are a few green flags that signal you should propose. Is your partner the first person you go to with news? Whether it is good or bad, you want to talk to them when something happens in your life. If you feel comfortable talking with them about sensitive topics, this is a sign of a good match.

If you’ve seen each other at your worst, and love each other anyway, this is also a great sign. A healthy marriage will have its ups and downs. If you have supported each other through difficult times (family drama, job issues, quarantine, etc.), you may be suited for wedded harmony.

Have you had conversations about the future? If you and your partner have talked about spending forever together, you’re likely on the same page when it comes to getting married.   

Once you know you want to propose and you’ve picked out the perfect engagement ring it’s time to start planning how you’re going to propose. Deciding you want to get married may be an easier feat than deciding how you’re going to ask. We’ve put together a few tips to help spark your creativity as you plan a phenomenal proposal.

proposal, engagement, wedding planning
Mikayla Thorn Photography

Make Your Proposal Personal

Take time to think about what type of proposal your partner would love – a grand gesture, or something intimate and romantic. Are they a private person who would prefer your proposal be just the two of you? Or would they love to share the experience with family and friends? Also, decide if you want a photographer present to capture the moment you propose.

When thinking about where to propose, think back to important moments. Where did you meet, have your first kiss or say “I love you” for the first time? Do you share a favorite restaurant, mountain view, hiking path, movie, song, or book? Find a way to incorporate one or a few of these elements into your proposal.

Try to keep traditional elements in your proposal plan, like getting down on one knee, asking the question, “will you marry me,” and proposing with the engagement ring in hand.

Wedding rings, proposal, engagement ring
Happy Finch Photography

Have a Proposal Backup Plan

Have a backup plan if things don’t go quite right. If you’re proposing outside, have an indoor plan B if the weather doesn’t cooperate. Is the restaurant you planned to visit unexpectedly closed for the evening? Know the surrounding area so you can easily shift to an equally romantic location.

Come Up With a Decoy

Have a good decoy story to throw off any proposal suspicions from your partner. Suggest an activity they wouldn’t want to say no to, like going to a local winery with friends, taking a picnic lunch to the park, or going to a company cocktail party that requires a plus one. Then deviate from your decoy plan to your proposal plan.

Don’t worry if your proposal isn’t a total surprise. Even if they don’t see it coming, it will still be a special moment.

manor wedding, sparkler sendoff
Molly Majher Photography

Don’t Stress About the Proposal

While easier said than done, try to focus on why you’re doing this instead of what could go wrong. If something unexpected happens, laugh it off and know it will become a fun part of your engagement story.

Know ahead of time what you want to say, like the things you love about your partner and your relationship, but don’t make yourself stick to a script. This will only add to your stress. Do your best to relax and speak from your heart.

If family and friends will be present or watching from a private location, see them as your support system and not an audience.

Looking for tips on how to choose an engagement ring or the first steps to take after you get engaged? Check out our helpful blogs below.

What You Need to Know Before Buying an Engagement Ring

You’re Engaged! Now What?
